This is me.
Hey, my name is Svenja.
In love with the life with my family, my dog and I turned am working as a full time wedding photographer.
I have the honor to be entrusted with the task of documenting one of the most meaningful days in ones life.
We have a lot in common, you, and us. We are lovers and seekers, sold out to the idea that love and its expression is the meaning that we all search for. And when we find our big love, we know it is the precious piece of life to hold on to and to cherish forever.
Our photography is all about capturing those grand love stories with all the class, elegance and attention they deserve. Sometimes it's the editorial, fashion-forward, classy cool attire, other times it's the quick and fleeting moments of your dads happy tears. But it is always about taking the raw elements of light, love and meaningful moments, and weaving them together into something more. Photographs that will last and be treasured forever.
We consider it the highest honour to be entrusted with the task of documenting such a meaningful day, and we can't wait to document yours.
Ich bin Svenja, verliebt in das Leben mit meiner Familie und überglücklich meine Leidenschaft zum Beruf gemacht zu haben: die Fotografie.
Da jedes Paar und jede Hochzeit anders ist, lasse ich mich gerne von euren Persönlichkeiten inspirieren. Mir ist es wichtig zu erfahren, wie ihr zueinander gefunden habt, was euch bewegt und was dieser Tag für euch bedeutet. Denn ich will das Echte an euch fotografieren. Die puren, ehrlichen und intimen Momente die eure einzigartige Liebe ausmachen. Ich kreiere zeitlose Bilder für stilvolle und elegante Paare, die es lieben, verliebt zu sein. Ich begleite euch gerne in meiner Heimat Freiburg, aber auch deutschland-, schweiz- und europaweit.